Monthly Archives: August 2015

HC Orders Minor Girl TukTuki Reunited With Parents

For Immediate Release – DRAFT

Save West Bengal Daughters

West Bengal High Court orders minor girl Tuktuki reunited with parents, NCW report acknowledges abduction & conversion and recommends CBI query

New York, Aug 26, 2015:  West Bengal Kolkata High Court delivered interim judgment by Honorable Justice Dipanker Dutta that 14 year old minor girl Tuktuki parents will get custody of their daughter and that her study has to be continued with 2 private tutors arranged to her by State for Mathematics and English subjects.  She will appear in Secondary examination without attending her school in Mograhat and West Bengal Secondary education will ensure it.  He also asked Child Welfare committee keep vigilance over Tuktuki.  The case is covered in detail in NewsX TV report.
Tapan Ghosh's photo.
The success of this effort is made possible by spontaneous help from so many individuals and institutions.  First and foremost it is the Hindu Samhati that brought the attention of this case to the world, supported the family in every step and fought a valiant battle in courts, on streets and even risking their lives.  We are grateful to the efforts of National Commission of Women under leadership of Lalitha Kumarmangalam whose investigation and the report made all the difference in court and instrumental in recovering Tuktuki to her parents.  State BJP leadership who gave wide attention to this issue through their efforts deserved to be credited to the success.  We would like to thank NRI Organizations such as Hindu American Foundation (HAF),  Dharma Seva Purva Paksha (UK),  Global Hindu Heritage Foundation, Viswa Hindu Parishad America (VHPA),  and many  individuals such as Peggy Shapiro and others across different countries who came forward with their outpouring of support to stand behind the family in their efforts to recover their minor daughter.  But for these efforts Tuktuki would have been sold into prostitution either in India or in Middle East by now.
The NCW report stated that Tuktuki was abducted and converted and recommended a CBI query on the case.   They have reported the police inaction and gross indifference of the state to the plight of Tuktuki and her parents.  “While this may be news to some, this is daily struggle many minor girls and their families face” responded Dev Dutta of Hindu Samhati who stood with the family throughout the episode to the news media.   Per UN report 28,000 girls went missing in just one year in West Bengal and UK investigative reporter Ross Kemp, in Telegraph UK, reports an interview with one Khan revealing how he human trafficked thousands of minor girls and lost count of the girls he killed.   The situation is tragic and Hindu Samhati says they receive daily requests from panic stricken parents requesting help to recover their daughters.  The Delhi Police report that busted West Bengal Human Trafficking gang reports how the minor girls are targeted and enticed with purpose of conversion and sale into sexual slavery (prostitution) for just Rs 60,000 to Rs 1,00,000 per girl.  The horrendous situation of thousands of girls in West Bengal for more than a decade is no different from the fate of Yezidi girls facing sexual slavery under ISIS in Iraq/Syria.   It is matter of utter disgrace that this is happening even in a democratic India today.

While Honorable HC judge has considered the various interests of Tuktuki in his judgement,  NCW and Hindu Samhati still need to request the court for a CBI query into the matter, as recommended by NCW in its report.  Those who abducted and converted Tuktuki are still free and as court itself acknowledged there is risk to family as well as other minor girls in the future.  The police inaction and indifference under the State administration that is causing this horrific human rights abuses need to be investigated.  While court addressed the education of Tuktuki, her brother and sister, who cannot any more live in Mograhat also need support in education.  Tuktuki’s  family who cannot anymore go back to their village needs to be compensated for their loss and severe trauma.   Court needs to appoint independent body under its supervision in the state to address the plight of thousands of minor girls, kidnapped, gang raped and sold into prostitution.

SaveWestBengalDaughters welcomes all who would like to contribute in terms of intellectual efforts, research, preparing videos, posters  on the kidnapping , rape, conversion and trafficking of thousands of daughters from West Bengal each year.  We urge you to contact   For those who want to contact people on ground please contact Hindu Samhati which is helping to recover these daughters, using email or by filling the form Also please donate to Hindu Samhati from within India using the link Your donation and participation in the movement however small can make the difference between life and death for these daughters as the Tuktuki Mondal incident has successfully demonstrated. Please come forward to make your contribution to humanity and save these helpless daughters.


Source: Abdullah

The Moslem Conquest of India- Extract from Will & Ariel Durant’s book

Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it.

This is the secret of the political history of modern India. Weakened by division, it succumbed to invaders; impoverished by invaders, it lost all power of resistance, and took refuge in supernatural consolations; it argued that both mastery and slavery were superficial delusions, and concluded that freedom of the body or the nation was hardly worth defending in so brief a life. The bitter lesson that may be drawn from this tragedy is that eternal vigilance is the price of civilization. A nation must love peace, but keep its powder dry.

This is an extract from: The Moslem Conquest of India, Volume 1, Chapter 16

The Story of Civilization Our oriental Heritage by Will & Ariel Durant: 

FREEDOM FROM ANTI-NATIONAL MEDIA is the theme for this year’s Independence Day on Social Media

FREEDOM FROM ANTI NATIONAL MEDIA is the theme for this year’s Independence Day on Social media. Can GIBV count on your support for this?


Global Indians for Bharat Vikas (GIBV)  invites you to join in boycotting Times of India, Indian Express, The Hindu, India Today, Tehelka, Outlook and other similarly biased newspapers/magazines and offending TV channels like ABP News, Aaj Tak, TimesNow, NDTV, etc.,  on this 15th August by cancelling your subscription, removing their application from your smartphone and let them know that you have cancelled your subscription (and why.)
The idea is to take a selfie with a) crushed / crumpled paper b) paper flushed down toilet c) paper burning d) torn paper e) a black tape/stripe across TV screen with the channel we are protesting against f) a garland of shoes around the channel/TV screen. Whenever and wherever we post a selfie, it should say “Selfie in support of the NATION and against #presstitutes”.

Media BlackoutBoycott Paid Meida- Bharat mapBoycott Paid MediaBoycott Paid Media on August 15thIMG_1697IMG_1703IMG_1709IMG_1711IMG_1712IMG_1714IMG_1718IMG_1717IMG_1715    Selfie in support of the NATION and against #presstitutes

It would help immensely if all of us can make this viral in next couple of days so that on 15th August, these anti national media houses get a big message from us.

On this 15th August, let us work to achieve real freedom from anti-national, anti-majority, biased media. These are the purveyors of lies, half-truths and innuendos. These are the entities that shed tears for convicted terrorist Yakub Memon but relegate details of ex-president Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam’s funeral to inside pages since front pages are occupied  to glorify a terrorist. These are the entities with headline, “Then They Hanged Him”, signifying that the President of India, the Government of India and the highest judicial authority, the Supreme Court were  “They” ; and the newspaper  (and other paid media) were “we”,  Meaning supporters of terrorist Yakub Memon.

Together, we have the power to make a change. Let us use this 15th August to reclaim our true freedom from these anti-national media that has distorted any positive news of people’s and government’s achievements and supported those who are hell-bent on weakening India. This is the ‘paid media’ that is engaged in incessant war on the ethos of our motherland to demoralize the society and weaken the fabric of the society. We cannot progress and have all-round development of the country, until we force such business houses to mend their ways.  Let us do it together.

Please give this wide publicity on social media and in other avenues.

Happy Independence Day! Thanks for your support.

Readers Comment on Republican Presidential Debate

Some readers’ comments on an article  in New York Times on August 7, 2015

Winners at the G.O.P. Debate Did Not Include Bush and Trump

Nate Cohn

Select comments:


Norwalk, CT 5 hours ago

What is most disturbing about this column is the total lack of discussion about the horrific things a bunch of men said about women’s lives and health. Mr. Cohn, do you have any idea what it is like to listen to these men pontificate about pregnancy termination, and women’s right to live?
Forget Trump’s vicious remarks about the way women look. He’s no physical prize himself, and ugly remarks about a woman’s appearance may wound, but they don’t kill.
Last night a candidate said he believed in no exceptions for abortion, not even when the life of the mother is at risk. Do you have any idea of the enormity of
that statement? What is says about Walker’s humanity? Yet you pick him as a winner? Forget outrage for a minute — where is your acknowledgement of this issue, and what those ten men said? Especially since you state the outcome of the debate “depends a lot more on how the news media covers the debates than the performances themselves.”
Well, you’re news media. You covered this debate by failing to mention that Walker prefers to let women die than end a life threatening pregnancy.
Walker’s answer re abortion was “concise and sharp.” Which seems to matter more to your analysis than the lives of women.
What I saw last night was ten men thoroughly ill-equipped to run our nation.
What you watched seems to be an entirely different show.


Potomac, MD 2 hours ago

By not running far to the right like many of the other candidates on stage, I think that John Kasich proved he was the only one that could appeal to moderate democrats, independents, and republicans; thus making him the most viable candidate for the general election, but the least likely to win the GOP nomination. By not getting caught up in the name-calling/Benghazi/e-mail foolishness that some of the other candidates were distracted with, Kasich was able to eloquently tell the American people of his accomplishments. His heartfelt response about gay marriage seemed to resonate with many.

The republican base is too caught up in hearing about what Hillary Clinton did and could care less about hearing what their candidates will do; which is why Kasich stands no chance unless he starts to call Hillary a pant suit wearing devil. The one who spews the most vitriol at Hillary will win. Issues are not of any importance to GOP voters easily distracted by shiny, new objects like Donald Trump.


chicago 12 hours ago

Wow. I completely disagree about Walker. He came across as uninformed about the Middle East and truly horrible on women’s issues. Regarding abortion, he doesn’t think there should be any exception for the life of the mother.

Think about that.

This callous disregard for our very lives is outrageous. Walker’s attacks on the teachers of Wisconsin are well-known to me, since I live in Illinois, but I hadn’t been aware that his anti-choice stance extends to a complete disregard for women’s lives let alone our health, freedom of choice, privacy, and our knowledge of what’s best for ourselves, our bodies, our futures, our finances and our families including our existing children.

That’s outrageous. I’m surprised that Nate Cohn didn’t find that alarming, reactionary and undemocratic.

Attitudes this extreme need to be reported. Not everybody had the time or opportunity to watch the debate, therefore they depend upon journalists for facts and interpretations of facts.

A man who is willing to let a woman die shouldn’t be anywhere near a powerful political office in the 21st century, let alone in America where we supposedly believe in equal rights for women.


Boston 6 hours ago

Well it wasn’t child appropriate viewing. I watched with elementary school children. Rubio and others who wouldn’t consider saving “the life of the mother” reduced my grandson to tears. That was the debate electricity in our house. Is it likely that adults are also revolted by this position – when they think of their wives, daughters sisters, and friends?

Humble Pi

Providence RI 6 hours ago

I don’t think that extreme anti-women stance was limited to Walker. It appeared that one by one, they were all pushed to say that they endorsed forcing women to die or raise a rapist’s child rather than have a medical procedure to save themselves, physically or psychologically. Rubio blurted it out, and Huckabee – well, we should be prepared to be charged as murderers in the unlikely event of a Huckabee administration. I think there’s not one of them qualified to lead a nation that includes women. Period.


Ohio 5 hours ago

I can’t believe you treat Walker’s stance on abortion so cavalierly. He doesn’t believe in abortion even to save the life of the mother, let the woman die. This needs to be screamed from the rooftops. There is a man who is a governor in the United States, a man that wants to be President, that thinks it’s perfectly fine for a woman to die instead of having an abortion that could save her life. This is outrageous and totally unacceptable. Walker is an ignoramus and dangerous to women and that was crystal clear to every woman who watched last night. Too bad you missed it Nate.

Jim in Tucson

Tucson 7 hours ago

Ironically, Trump has put Fox News in a very difficult position. By all rights, his refusal to unconditionally support the final Republican presidential candidate should disqualify him from any further debates. But by denying him a place on the stage, Fox would certainly force him to run as an independent, which would just as certainly hand the keys to the White House back to the Democrats. As it stands right now, Fox can’t guarantee the Republicans can retake the Presidency, but it can certainly guarantee the Democrats do.
Sixteen years after Ralph Nader put George W. Bush the White House, Donald Trump might well do the same for Hillary. Revenge may not always be a dish best served cold; warmed-over might work as well. Either way, the irony is delicious.

G. Morris

NY and NJ 4 hours ago

I found most of the candidates frightening. They would not allow a 15 year girl access to abortion if she were raped. They are telling young American women they do not have the right to live if they develop serious medical issues while pregnant. I hate abortion. Abortion rates in Western Europe are a small percent of the United States. Ask candidates why that is? Affordable access to effective birth control would allow our abortion rate to plummet while defunding Planned Parenthood would make the abortion rate rise.

Kasich appeared to be the only candidate to care whether Americans could survive their political values/bigotry.


brooklyn 3 hours ago

The Republican platform: “I hate Obama, I hate Hillary, Obama is wrecking the country, Hillary will wreck the country, the terrorists are coming.”

4 hours ago

II wanted to see a group of candidates who would respond in earnest to important policy questions. I did not see much of that. The questions were often unprofessional and off-point for the overarching issues we face today. And the responses mostly were not very insightful.

Why does this party still boast it will repeal Obamacare and Dodd-Frank? Why do they reflexively say they want to cut Social Security and Medicare? Why do they proudly say they will not expand Medicaid, all in knee-jerk fashion? There are real human beings out there who need these. Are these people so out of touch that they cannot see how these issues affect the daily lives of real people?

And then there is the willingness to start another war. Again, real people will fight those wars and possibly die. Do these candidates care about that? Show me people with heart and a true desire to be a statesman, not a bunch of armchair generals. John Kasich seemed to have some warmth and humanity and a knowledge that what he may do will affect people’s lives. The others all seemed out solely for themselves.®ion=CColumn&module=Recommendation&src=rechp&WT.nav=RecEngine&_r=0&abt=0002&abg=0

Root Cause of all Black Days is Congress

Lok Sabha speaker, Sumitra Mahajan suspended 25 Congress MPs for five sessions for unruly behavior on August 3, 2015. Congress President, Sonia Gandhi called it a “Black Day.”

No Sonia Ji, Black Day was:

  1. When Congress party decided to support Khilafat movement in 1920
  2. When Congress party remained silent when thousands of Hindus were massacred, converted, their women raped and thrown in wells with children by Moplah Muslims of Malabar in 1921, thanks to Gandhiji *
  3. When Gandhiji tried half heartedly with viceroy Irwin for commutation of Bhagat singh’s sentence who was sentenced to death 1931
  4. When Congress decided to consider only first two stanzas of Vande Mataram as the national Song to appease Muslims who opposed stanzas comparing Bharatmata with Goddess Durga 1937
  5. When Gandhiji tried to have Subhas Chandra Bose defeated in election for Congress President (and failed) 1938
  6. When Gandhiji forced out Subhas Chandra Bose from Indian national Congress 1939
  7. When Gandhiji offered Mohmmad Ali Jinha Prime Ministership of Free Bharat with a fee hand to choose his cabinet (i.e., Muslims) 1946
  8. When Congress decided not to make Vande Mataram the national anthem  1947
  9. When Nehru tried to prevent Sardar Patel from leading the project to  rebuild Somanath Mandir, as he considered it a communal act 1947
  10. When Congress allowed partition in 1948
  11. When Gandhiji foisted Jawaharlal Nehru as the Prime Minster, even though out of 14 votes in AICC, Sardar Patel had 12 votes and Nehru one. 1948
  12. When Nehru stopped Sardar Patel from completing operation to free occupied Kashmir from Pakistan’s attack and took the case to UNO 1948
  13. When your party agreed to include article 370 to give special status to Jammu & Kashmir
  14. When Nehru didn’t want the President, Rajendra Prasad to inaugurate restored Somanath Mandir 1951
  15. When Nehru made a statement in Pakistan that “not a blade of grass grows there” in a debate about Bharatiya territory occupied by China 1962
  16. When Nehru lost the war to China 1962
  17. When Nehru asked President Radhakrishnan not to attend funeral of ex President Rajendra Prasad because he was miffed with independence of Rajendrababu and his clear stand on Hindu issues 1963
  18. When Congress government signed Tashkent agreement  and gave away the conquered region in Pakistan occupied national boundary of India and the 1949 ceasefire line in Kashmir.  January 1966
  19. When Indira Gandhi nationalized all banks 1967
  20. When Indira Gandhi signed Simla agreement accepting LOC as de facto International border July 1972
  21. When Indira Gandhi declared Emergency and imprisoned more than 100,000 people including political leaders of all opposition parties (June 26, 1975)
  22. When Sanjay Gandhi forcibly sterilized several thousand villagers and slum dwellers 1976
  23. When Sanjay Gandhi bulldozed slums around Turkman Gate in Delhi leaving those people out in open without any means of survival 1976
  24. When Indira Gandhi inserted the words “Socialist Republic” and “Secular” in preamble of the constitution of Bharat 1975-1976
  25. When Congress packed all education and research institutes with leftist and communist people and distorted history
  26. When Congress decided to name every entity, be it an airport or a park, a dam or a building, a government scheme or a road, to name after one of Nehru Gandhi family members
  27. When Congress government awarded Bharat Ratna to biggest fraud, converting thousands of Hindus to Christianity, “Mother” Teresa 1980
  28. When you became a director of Maruti Cars and an Insurance company while not being a citizen of Bharat in contravention of law
  29. When your name appeared in voters list of New Delhi even when you were not a citizen of Bharat (1980-1982)
  30. When Rajiv Gandhi was appointed Prime Minister in haste, superseding experienced home minister, Pranab Mukherjee 1984
  31. When Congress goons mercilessly murdered thousands of Sikhs after Indira Gandhi was assassinated 1984
  32. When Rajiv Gandhi said about massacre of Sikhs When a mighty tree falls, the whole ground shakes 1984
  33. When Rajiv Gandhi’ government nulled Supreme Court’s judgement in Shah Bano’s alimony case by amending the constitution to appease Mullahs  1986
  34. When Mulayam Singh’s government fired on Karsevaks in Ayodhya and killed several dozens of them 1989
  35. When your favorite sons, the Muslims of Kashmir killed thousands of Hindus, dishonored Hindu women, and forced close to 400,000 Hindus out of Kashmir
  36. When you made a request to not hang your husband’s killers
  37. When Muslims, pampered by your party since 1920, burned to death 59 innocent passengers of Sabarmati Express at Godhra station in Gujarat 2002
  38. When you called a sitting Chief Minister, Narendra Modi, “Maut Ka Sodagar” 2007
  39. When your government awarded Padma Shri to Teesta Setalvad, who should have been in jail longtime ago
  40. When your party went to bat for a known terrorist, Shahbuddin
  41. When your party defended terrorist, Isharat Jahan
  42. When your party coined the word “Hindu Terrorism”
  43. When Rahul Gandhi said that Hindu terrorism was more worrisome than the Jehadi one
  44. When you thrust a puppet Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh on the nation and ruled from behind for 10 years
  45. When you formed National advisory Council (NAC) to supersede powers of the parliament and packed it with known Hindu baiters and communists
  46. When you supported Evangelist in their bid to Christianize Bharat
  47. When MPs of Congress joined other MPs to write a letter to President of USA, not to grant a visa to Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi
  48. When Your government turned a blind eye to all the mega scams- Commonwealth games, Coalgate, Telecom Scam, etc.
  49. When your party man, Mani Shankar Iyer called a sitting Chief Minister and Prime ministerial candidate of a major political party, Narendra Modi, a Chaiwala 2013
  50. When you didn’t have decency to congratulate Narendra Modi and BJP for their clear victory in 2014 election
  51. When you and your family ran out of the country to avoid attending International Yoga Day
  52. When your MPs, under your leadership held up working of Lok Sabha for nine consecutive sessions and refused to debate the points you had raised July 2015
  53. When office bearers of Congress party glorified an executed terrorist, Yakub Memon July 2015

So, Edvige Antonia Albina Màino, aka Sonia Gandhi, the root cause of all Black Days of Bharat is your Congress party, going back to as far as 1920! If anything, suspension of 25 of your chamchas, is a Golden day in history of Bharat.

*A conference held at Calicut presided over by the Zamorin of Calicut, the Ruler of Malabar issued a resolution:[23]

“That the conference views with indignation and sorrow the attempts made at various quarters by interested parties to ignore or minimise the crimes committed by the rebels such as: brutally dishonouring women, flaying people alive, wholesale slaughter of men, women and children, burning alive entire families, forcibly converting people in thousands and slaying those who refused to get converted, throwing half dead people into wells and leaving the victims to struggle for escape till finally released from their suffering by death, burning a great many and looting practically all Hindu and Christian houses in the disturbed areas in which even Moplah women and children took part and robbed women of even the garments on their bodies, in short reducing the whole non-Muslim population to abject destitution, cruelly insulting the religious sentiments of the Hindus by desecrating and destroying numerous temples in the disturbed areas, killing cows within the temple precincts putting their entrails on the holy image and hanging skulls on the walls and the roofs.”

Indian Secularism is not Secular- by Maria Wirth

“It is a sad irony. Can you imagine the Jews honouring the Germans with preferential treatment instead of seeking compensation for the millions of Jews killed? Yet Islam and Christianity that have gravely harmed Indians over centuries get preferential treatment by the Indian state, and their own beneficial dharma that has no other home except the Indian subcontinent, is egged out. And to top it, this is called ‘secular’!”

Read full eye opening article by Maria Wirth at

The Bhagavad Gita: A playbook of life for all ages

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